For this assignment, I decided to visit the Norton Simon Museum located in Pasadena, California, located only a few miles away from the legendary Rose Bowl stadium. The Norton Simon Museum has plenty of pre-renaissance paintings and figures. One figure/statue that stood out for me was titled "Three Angel Musicians." The artist is not specifically stated in this piece but it comes from the Pisan School. This sculpture is made of white marble and stands about 20.5 inches high for each figure. Each angel musician is seen holding a different instrument. The left angel is seen playing a zither. A zither is an ancient musical device that closely resembles a harp, but the person plucks the strings of the zither when it is positioned horizontally across the person’s body. The center angel is playing a bagpipe, although the features of the bagpipe make it difficult to identify what instrument this is. The right angel is playing on a set of timbrels, which look like miniature drums that are worn across the person’s waist. The Pisan School is named after the Italian city named Pisa, which is probably where this sculpture was made from. The sculpture was located in a room surrounded by various Italian tapestries. The figure is pretty small to see from far away so I took a closer look at the sculpture so I could see the different curves, lines and features of the angels that are present. The great thing about the Norton Simon Museum is that the staff allows patrons to take pictures of paintings or any type of artwork because many students comes to this museum for their art-related papers. The figures in this sculpture look like women, who are probably older in age, possibly around their fifties. They are wearing garments that resemble a toga from Greek culture. The garment goes all the way down toward the ground and it covers their feet so you cannot see them. The facial expression of the angels indicates that they are happy and they are pas