When I look back on my summer session "A," I had many questions and thoughts as to what was to be expected from me taking Legal Issues for Technologists. To be honest, Legal Issues for Technologists was not part of my original curriculum of classes on my technology map and I actually added it because it looked very interesting to me. I initially had a whole different perspective of what the class was about before it started. I have been working in the technology field for 17 years now and have just completed my first year of online studies in pursuit of a B.S. in Technological Entrepreneurship and Management degree. I am currently employed as a network administrator and have aspirations of becoming an Information Technologies Manager and then ultimately the director someday. My original assumptions and perceptions that I hoped to take away from this class were that it would teach me the legal standpoint of taking on the managerial role. I haven't had any knowledge or experience in the legal side of technology thus far. I found this course to be very interesting and challenging as it caused me to do some real world, real time thinking to go along with relating it to the course reading. I can really appreciate a course that teaches real world scenarios as we can apply and relate them to our everyday lives. Although I have never been involved in a startup, nor have attempted a venture on my own, the cases we learned about opened my mind to many issues that are out there and really made me think about all of the options and angles to consider when attempting to start a venture. I could really enjoy how I had to expand my mind and use critical thinking skills to interpret the situation and also put myself in the position as to what I would do in that instance. There are many things during the course of this class that I have learned and feel that I can apply to my job as well as my everyday personal life. I have definitely developed many skills by taking this class and have begun to utilize them for my studies, at work and on a personal level. The skills that this class has helped me develop are leadership, integrity, commitment, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment. Overall, these skills have helped shape me into the person whom I always knew I could be and I am very appreciative for the chance to further my education as well as taking this class. A skill that I feel that I have always been pretty good at would be leadership. This class helped me to hone in on my leadership skills because we were assigned group assignments. I am all for group work when everyone contributes because it makes it easy to brainstorm and bounce ideas off one another. The issue that I had was that I had to take more of a pro-active approach when trying to get my team motivated to complete our assignment in a timely manner. I am not a person who likes to wait until the last minute to do things and my group members seemed to have a different outlook on that. I could appreciate this aspect of this class as it caused me to step up in the leadership role and schedule meetings for us, collaborate our schedules, create documents for us to edit and work on, and finally organize all of our efforts together to keep us on task and motivated to finish our assignments on time and make sure they m