
The Role of the Human Resource Department

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Human Resource Roles and Responsibilities The role human resources play in an organization is vital to the success of the company. The department is not only responsible for personnel recruitment and management. Human resources have progress to new employee job training, employee benefits, and employee learning and development. Employee relations and disciplinary action is still a principle job responsibility of the human resource personnel. Human resources departments are also in charge of the establishing and communicating the company benefits packages, also creating and enforcing a positive work environment for company employees. Globalization and Technology Globalization is one of numerous challenges that HR faces. Because of the rapid advancements in technology, along with the growing popularity of doing business internationally, HR must continue to maintain their services that will accommodate the organizational requirements. A growing global economy and the move from production trends to a knowledge and service orientation, organizations increasingly search for way to offer greater flexibility to remain competitive. HR desires to influence technology solutions to allow employees in dispersed locations to work together in global virtual teams (SRHM, 2010). Additionally, technology is allowing them to communicate more efficiently, both internally within the organization and externally. Diversity Discrimination can come in the form of race discrimination, color discrimination, religious discrimination, sex discrimination, age discrimination, or even disability discrimination. Federal law states that it is illegal to discriminate against employees who complain about discrimination (Diversity Law & Government, 2010). HR is responsible for the creation, and maintenance of a positive work environment. This must be done regardless of the diversity within the organization. HR is responsible for maintaining the organizational compliance

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