Volunteering or working at a hospital has been my dream and passion ever since the age of 9. In 2007, my parents and I decided to visit a hospital where children my age were sick or injured, and these children did not have enough money, or were too ill, to enjoy Eid, the upcoming holy festival. We determined that it would be nice to make tiny goody bags for the children We went around the hospital, passing out the bags to the kids, bringing them joy and reminding them that there are many people who care about them. Giving these children presents and talking to them was an amazing experience. Ever since then, helping people and making them better emotionally and physically has always been a pleasurable hobby to do, for me. That is why, volunteering at a hospital is my main goal throughout my fours years in high school. Also, studying in the field of medicine has almost always been intriguing to me. Studying the human body and how it functions is an area of interest to me. When I grow up, i want to be a surgeon. I want to fix any physical unhealthiness. My dream college is UCLA, and, I don't want to waste my four years of high school doing nothing to get into that magnificent college. I could contribute to your junior volunteer program in many ways. Firstly, I am good at calculations and math, and also accounting. Since my mother does a home business of selling clothes, I have experience in accounting lists and sorting out stuff. My dad also does a business of selling goods, and making excel spreadsheets for him and my mom is something I do often. Also, I work very well with people, and kids. A few years ago, I volunteered at a program called The Youth Forum. Here, we raised money for the poor in many ways, including carnivals and bake sales, where I had to interact with many people, especially kids. Handling and taking care of kids is another one of my passions, and i am pretty good at it. I am good at doing small chores. A year ago, on