"My Wonderful Day," by Alan Ayckbourn, is a play that has a great moral value and will have you laughing the entire hour and a half. The leading role actually has the fewest lines of all the actors but her facial expressions say it all. This is a story of the horribly childish behavior of adults through the eyes of a little, very observant girl. I can completely agree and relate to this production. It goes to show how children are sponges and you have to always be careful of what you do and say around them. One of the main points of this story focuses on social issues and language barriers. In the beginning of the play, the main character, Winnie, plays sick so that she doesn't have to go to school, this way she can follow her very pregnant mom to work (cleaning a house). Winnie's mom Laverne reminds her that she is only to speak French for the day (as on all Tues). Laverne has dreams of returning to her homeland one day. Winnie seems to have a hard time with the French; it comes out as a mix of English and French. All of the adults in the Tate house behave terribly (where Winnie's mom is cleaning). They all think that Winnie cannot speak or understand English, but little do they know that she understands it all and is taking close notes of everything going on. To me these adults seem to be painting a grim picture of what Winnie has to look forward to in life. One of the actors, Josh (who is friends with the owner of the house Kevin Tate) sits at the table with Winnie and spills his guts out about his fractured relationship with his daughter, thinking that Winnie doesn't understand a thing he is saying. There is also another part where Kevin is on the phone with his mistress (Tiffany) and Winnie is sitting right there on the couch. While on the phone he says "There's no one here. Nobody!" This play makes a great point of exactly how much information someone will reveal when in the presence of someone they think doesn't speak thei