Robert S. Devine's, "Alien Invasion: America’s Battle with Non-Native Plants and Animals," is an eye-opening book, written as an both an exploration and a means to expose the devastating effects of foreign and exotic “alien” plants and animals can have on the ecosystem. Exotics are the main cause of habitat loss, however most have been around so long most people do not realize that they do not belong. Some introduced knowingly and others by lack of knowledge of the dangers that many exotic species can cause. Gardeners to greenhouses have brought several exotics into the country unknowingly. Insects have stowed away on cargo, passengers traveling, airplanes and even in packing materials. He shares his personal experience’s covering several states describing the paths of destruction and battles fought against exotic plants, insects and animals. Pigs, cheat, spurge, melaleuca, fish and whiteflies are just some of the exotics he covers. Pigs in California are an example of a species introduced by Christopher Columbus. Today it is estimated the more than two million pigs inhabit 23 states. They leave a path of destruction rooting up soil in fields and steep slopes causing erosion and mudslides. The rooting in pastures kills the vegetation causing ranchers to cut back on their herds due to lack of food. The rooting also leaves the land susceptible to other invasive weeds to seed and grow. The pigs also harm other native animals, their diet including frogs, snakes, lizards and deer. To date the best control management has been to hunt, trap, fence out or use dogs. In the United States, spurge, cheat and melaleuca are just some of the six thousand non- native plants that have become established. Hundreds cause serious trouble; invasive weeds like spurge can be found in 36 states with roots growing up to 93 feet in the ground it is very difficult to eradicate. It has a sticky white latex substance that when ingested by cattle caus