
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Metallic Ions

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When studying astronomy, it is very hard to focus on one thing because the majority of it isn't entirely understood at all. That is why, when doing a lab, many testable questions can be thought of. The first question that Jacqui and I came up with was about whether there will be a difference in colours, depending on the different substances. With this, we were able to come up with our hypothesis. If a sample of an ion is placed in the flame of the Bunsen burner, then the colour will change depending on the substance. Materials that we used during the lab are different metallic salts, safety goggles, Bunsen burners, Popsicle sticks, and beakers holding the solutions. The first step in the procedure we followed was to firstly put on safety goggles, tie back any loose hair and/or clothing. Secondly, we obtained a wooden splint from one of the beakers of solution, and then we recorded the soaked end of the splint in the flame and recorded all of our observations. We then disposed of the wooden splint in the beaker labelled “for trash” and repeated the process for all the other known solutions. Finally, we had to determine what solutions were the unknowns by following through the steps once more with them. Lastly, we shut off the flame and turned off the gas. I am currently going through the last step, which is writing up a formal, typed lab report. I will now go through the exact observations that were made by my group by listing them below: Ethanol ONLY-plain orange flame, caught on fire, dangerous Barium Nitrate Ba(NO3)2-yellow, would eventually turner a darker shade of yellow Lithium Nitrate Li(NO3)2-lilac,sparkles Copper (2) Nitrate Cu(NO3)2-green, dim and steady Calcium Nitrate Ca(NO3)2-orange, shimmers Strontium Nitrate Sr(NO3)2-red, very strong Sodium Nitrate NaNO3-mango, big, strong and thick Potassium Nitrate KNO3-peach, not very bright and a close colour to green Sodium Chloride NaCl-yellow/orange, thick/strong

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