
The Language of God by Francis Collins

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After I first learned we were going to read "The Language of God," I was instantly intrigued at the fact that there was a book out there that linked science and religion. It was never clear to me why as the world progressed in science, many people stayed stuck with their ancient religious views. In the beginning I was skeptical on how the author would try to find a common ground between science and God because even though I know people that believe in both, they themselves cannot justify exactly how or why they do. Reading this book definitely put into perspective on how the two can live in harmony without constantly trying to disprove or deny the other. It is clear that the central question that Francis S. Collins proposes in his book is whether or not the views of science and spirituality can possibly exist in harmony? Without a doubt, he accomplished this goal of proving that indeed these two perspectives can both coexist in a single person. He shares his personal experience from being an atheist earlier in life to later becoming a now devout believer in God, and how exactly this journey to God occurred. By reading his true experience it helped to see how one can go from one drastic side of religion to the other, and justify how this decision came to be. When talking about the creation of Adam and Eve in Genesis, chapter 2, Dr. Collins explains why this must be a more symbolic allegory rather than a literal moment in history by writing, "studies of human variation, together with the fossil record, all point to an origin of modern humans approximately a hundred thousand years ago" (pg. 207). Earlier in the book Collins also talks about how scientific evidence points to the Earth being over 4.5 billion years old so how then could the world have been created in just seven days when people truly came so much later? In this same paragraph Collins makes a good argument for evolution by stating, "Genetic analyses suggest that approximately ten thousand ancestors ga

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