Motifs in the play "Macbeth," written by William Shakespeare, are important to the atmosphere, themes of guilt, and the the foreshadowing of events. The motifs regarding blood, fertility, and animals appear to add to the atmosphere, foreshadowing, and theme of guilt that appears throughout the play. Firstly, blood motifs impact the atmosphere and recurring theme of guilt. As Macduff sees what Macbeth has done to the country he gives the atmosphere a gloomy picture with this quote. "/Bleed, Bleed poor country/ (4.3.36). Macduff is talking about how Macbeth is tearing the country apart. This quote added to the atmosphere by providing the audience with a graphic image and the play with a gloomy atmosphere. Also, the theme of guilt is evident throughout the play and uses blood motifs to convey it. Lady Macbeth begins to feel immense guilt while trying to cope with her actions. "/Here's the smell of blood still: all the/ perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand/ (5.1.46-47). Lady Macbeth is talking about how there is no way for her to clear her conscience; this reinforces the theme of guilt. Altogether blood motifs enhance the atmosphere and strengthen the theme of guilt. Secondly, Fertility motifs have a major role in the atmosphere and foreshadow things to come. Duncan explains how he wants Macbeth to grow and turn into a good ally. "/I have begun to plant thee, and will labour/ to make thee full of growing (1.4.32-33) Duncan is talking to Macbeth about how he is going to make sure that he becomes a powerful asset. This foreshadows the betrayal of Macbeth. Furthermore, Fertility appears again as Lady Macbeth is talking to herself before Duncan arrives. The scene enhances the atmosphere of the play. "Come, you spirits/ that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here/ (1.5.44-45) Lady Macbeth is talking to herself about how Macbeth is having second thoughts on murdering the king, she is saying how if she could become a