Southern California has a varied geography and a climate which allows for a variety of mass wasting to occur. When compared to other disasters such as earthquakes it may seem as though mass wasting does not pose a large problem. However, recently in 2003, when fires were burning down the San Bernardino Mountains, citizens saw how cautious we must be of mass wasting. Due to the mountainous and hilly region, along with the two season climate, there is a possibility of two major types of mass wasting to happen every year: rock falls and mudflow. Rock Falls are the product of dry conditions and happen really quickly. When travelling through the San Bernardino Mountains there are often signs that warn visitors that rockslides can happen in the area. In dry conditions it is possible for rock falls to happen and they are known to cause injuries. Combined with our earthquake prone region, a simple area can also become a rockslide region which can block out routes towards the mountains. The second type of mass wasting which can happen in the San Bernardino region is mudflows. According to California State University Long Beach’s Geology department, in 2003 “a wildfire had swept across the slopes of the San Bernardino Mountains removing most of the vegetation that protected the slope from the impacts of rain the water rushing down the mountain slopes picked up speed and sediment” (CSULB 1). The massive debris and mud caused millions of dollars of damages to homes and lives. Shelter camps were created to help those that had lost their homes and a recovery effort soon followed. During this period there was an accumulation of events that led to the disaster. While the uncontrollable fire was reduced thanks to the rain at the same time the rain caused a massive mudflow. Due to there being a dry and wet season in Southern California there are many different types of mass wasting events waiting to happen. Rock falls and mudflows are the most