?Real freedom has no boundaries. Having no boundaries would be imagination. True freedom is acting on own behalf and making responsible decisions by oneself. Earning freedom is not an easy matter neither having earned freedom used wisely. Freedom is diverse and hardly defined as a particular term because each and everybody has their own definitions or understandings of freedom. Freedom would be an imagination that is needless to say beyond reality, also freedom would be security which applies to general safety including emotions and freedom also can be define in another way that is independence, which is self-reliance. Freedom is a concept that extends from a simple to a complex definition. Freedom is imagination. When it freedom is defined this way the first taught in someone’s head would be how would things be if anything would be possible and every dream can come a reality. But when freedom is imagination in reality, it is defined in a sense that is being free from own negative thoughts, motivating one’s self and considering intentions and purpose for what can be done if contrary ideas in one’s head do not hold them back. Also it is meant that whenever someone thinks they cannot make it or think the world is better off without them, they would just stop and imagine on their own free will to see, what the world would be without them. Having said this imaginative freedom would surely also mean creative visualization done freely for the better of one’s own achievement. Freedom is security. It is not implying to the safety guard and protocol in general but is talking about the thought of having to feel secure from any danger or feeling safe. Freedom is considered like this because in many ways someone likes to have a sense of feeling they are secured from any risk to them or their surrounding. Having to have freedom of security would increase their self-encouragement to not be ashamed or not fulfill a task because of fear of d