
Biology Report - Using Line Transects

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Introduction A line transect is a method of sampling certain areas of land to determine the abundance and distribution of specific plant species. A tape measure or marked rope is placed along the sampling area in a straight line usually of about 10 metres long. Each section of the line is carefully examined to record the position and type of plants that cross over, under and through the line. The data recorded is displayed on a profile diagram; a side view of the vegetation along the transect line. Aim The aim of this experiment was to use a line transect to determine and describe the composition of two plant communities, and to also study the plant species abundance and distribution. Materials The materials required for this prac are; Transect rope or tape measure, (approx. 10 metres long) Rulers Pen/Pencil Paper Method 1) Choose a site to study. 2) Layout rope 10 metres long, making sure it is straight. 3) Walk along the rope noting the different plant species and the frequency of each species that passes over, under or through the transect line. 4) Put each plant species into a category that describes its life force, this way you do not need to remember each individual plant species. Plants may be put under the following categories; shrubs, trees, herbs, climbers etc. 5) Record your data in a table showing how many of each plant classifications found along your transect line. The easiest way to do this would be to walk along the line and count the number of a certain species, then repeating with another until all are covered. 6) Draw a profile diagram that shows the distribution of the plants along the transect line. 7) Repeat steps 1-6 on a separate site. Results: On the inserted graph paper. Discussion A lot more vegetation was found on the second transect line; trees, shrubs, grass, plants etc. although on the first transect line there was a larger number of fallen tree branches. The second profile diagram shows a lot more v

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