In William Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet," multiple characters demonstrate recklessness and make hasty decisions, ultimately causing the deaths of the two protagonists, resulting in the play's final tragedy. Such actions and decisions were shown on three accounts throughout the play for example at the Capulet’s party, on Juliet’s balcony and Tybalt’s death. In Act I, Romeo not only agrees with the decision of breaking into the Capulet’s party, but also falls in love with Juliet in a very short time, and this directly contributes to their downfall. Romeo said “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (I.v.51-52) He knows nothing about this young girl yet he has already fallen in love with her without thinking twice. To make matters worse, Romeo has completely forgot about his previous love, Rosaline, whom he was in love with just days prior to the party. Falling for Juliet so quickly and without thought was an impetuous and rash decision made by Romeo. Furthermore, during the balcony scene, Juliet also becomes responsible for the tragedy which is about to happen; in fact, after declaring her love to Romeo, she made the decision to marry him, and this marriage will become another main cause of their death. Juliet confessed her love by saying “Romeo, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee. Take all myself” (II.ii.47-49). This is a thirteen year old girl who has yet to experience what the world has to offer and she is *confessing her love to a young man that she barely knows. A logical decision would have been for Juliet to get to know Romeo better before she even thought about marrying him. Her irrational decisions could be a result of her young age and naivety that comes with it. By making the decision to marry him she also subconsciously made the decision to spend the rest of her life with a near stranger. From the very beginning you could tell