
Five Factors of Individual and Cultural Differences

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Abstract Geert Hofstede's five major cultural dimensions were analyzed in the context of American culture. Statistics were provided by a data set, collected by the Hofstede Centre. An essay authored by Alison Kirkness, a Senior Lecturer at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, provided further explanation of each cultural dimension. Finally, I was able to explore the cultural dimensions of Puerto Rico, where my mother's family is from, with information from research completed by the Linguistic Differences vs. Learning Disabilities Project. All evidence was supported by the course text, Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work (13thed) by John W. Newton. With the research I found, I was able to interpret my own experiences with different perspectives of the five major cultural dimensions and how they have influenced my own perspective. Growing up a woman in America is a challenge in and of itself but having to combat that on top of being both Puerto Rican American and African American is a whole different struggle. Maturing into adulthood, for me, meant learning to balance the warring cultural differences in my own household, in school, and finally in the workforce. I had to learn to understand and accept diversity, which meant having to accept different individuals' cultural values of individualism / collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, femininity and time orientation. Although I do not agree with someone's cultural norms, I take their perspective into account and try to compromise with them; it is not a difficult task for me to work with an individual whose values and ideals are different from mine. The United States is a very individualistic country (The Hofstede Centre). It is a nation that values civil rights and independence (Newstrom 439). The American dream is to get a college education, have a career, and be able to support oneself and one's family. This value was taught to me early on in school. I was encouraged to discover, and perfect my tal

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