
Fast Food and Foodborne Illness

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Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. There are many health risks when it comes to eating food that's made within a matter of seconds. The food is not properly taken care of, which leads all the way back to where the food is originally produced. Even though obtaining fast food is "quick, easy and cheap," the health risks outweigh the five minutes of satisfaction that fast food brings. One should carefully think before they eat fast food. The health risks that come from eating so much fast food are life-threatening. Obesity can come from eating fast food that's bought often. Fast food is made from a lot of high saturated fats and calories if it isn't work off, then you can grow to become obese. "Even a small quantity of fast food contains high calories. People are fooled by the quantity and they tend to eat more. Thus, without knowing, they consume a lot of calories" (How). This is a prime example on how people can consume so many calories, and without even knowing. Obesity isn't the only risk, because heart disease is also a prime factor. "What you eat can affect your heart's health and your chances of developing life-threatening heart disease" (Robin). When you eat all of the fats, sugars, and salts, your heart can grow weak and it will endanger you. There is no safe risk for your body when it comes to eating fast food.   Foodborne illnesses can come from out fast food. What most people don't know is the conditions the animals are living in before they're killed. Cows are being hung upside, pigs and chickens are cramped in enclosed spaces. "Inside the facility, the animals are beaten once more to be herded into place. In one case, a man is seen punching, kicking and kneeing a pig, then striking it with a steel stunning tong at least 20 times, as the animal screams  (Gutierrez). What can come from those living conditions? Different bacteria that enters our food. "A recent study has revealed that a full 48

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