One cold morning before sunrise, I was rudely woken up by a loud banging on the door. I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. Turned a corner to enter the hallway, preparing to reach out and open the door. But to my surprise my mother had beaten me to it. After a brief second I realized there were bright red and blue flashing lights coming from the front of our house. The flashing lights over shadowing two men standing by the door. I quickly realised that I was in the process of getting arrested. Suddenly I was stricken with fear and had an urge to start crying. I felt my eyes started to tear up and eventually one rolled down my cheek. Suddenly another impulse of adrenaline pumped through my bloodstream into my sensory motors and the impulsion of fight or flight kicked in. I framed my self to bolt out of the door between the two men and I thought that if I run away everything will be fine. As I made my move the two men pounced on me and tackled me to the ground and laid me on my chest. On of the them took out a handcuff and started handcuffing me while the other one started pronouncing my Miranda Rights. A brief moment later, I was dragged out of the house and shoved at the back seat of the police car. As we started driving to the police station, I turned back to take a glimpse. I saw my mother standing by the door quietly sobbing. I felt a like someone stabbed me with a dagger directly into my heart. The overwhelming feeling of guilt made me feel as I if I had no meaning of life and suicidal thoughts crossed my mind several times during the ride. By the time we arrived at the police station I managed to emotionally stabilize myself and thought to myself that after a few weeks of my sentence I will be released and I can convince my mum that this was just an experiment and to forget that this ever happened. As we arrived to the police station, I was taken straight to the profiling room where they took my mugshots and sample fingerprints. Then they started creating me my very first criminal profile as this was my very first offence. Once the profiling was complete, I was charged with three offences; illegal possession of weapons and drugs and armed robbery. As I was locked up in one of the cells at the police station waiting to be transferred to a prison; I saw my friends were also arrested and charged with the same offences as me. We