Since the turn of the 21st Century, the Hollywood film industry has produced a vast number of motion pictures that can be classified as “genre films." Each of these genre films follow a similar method of narrative elements that is specific to a particular theme and setting in which the story's plot is built upon and revolves around. For today's adolescents, the high school drama type genre film is a popular choice as this type of genre film is a brew of romance, comedy, drama, with an added aspect of being relatable to their current stage in life. Many teens find interest and will divulge in such a genre of film because because of their emotional connection to the characters in the plot. In many cases the high school adolescence will feel an attachment to the main character who is oppressed in the movie (as this is a feeling that is common in adolescence teens while they partake in the typical, never-ending quest for acceptance by other peers) but in the ends reaches the pinnacle of high school hierarchy due to plot events. However this aspect of relatability is dubious to say the least because it is rare that high school drama genre films portray the reality of a high school in the twenty first century. As David Denby, the author of "High-School Confidential: Notes on Teen Movies," states, “genre films dramatize not what happens but how things feel [and thus] fix subjectivity into fable.” Incidental, high school drama genre films only strive to provide emotional satisfaction to the audience and do not portray reality. The most well-known character of any high school drama is the young and popular high school diva. She has the figure of a barbie doll but the tongue of a lashing serpent. She is universally hated by the audience of the film and in many movies is the antagonist in the plot. Her male counterpart is an athlete, usually a football player that, although well built and handsome, lacks common-sense or an average level of