Human trafficking causes a number of significant and grave consequences for the physical and mental health of its victims; they're often traumatized, physically and mentally exhausted, exposed to HIV infections, venereal diseases - with severe consequences resulting from long-term abuse and torture. (Bjelajac) “Human trafficking is a global phenomenon” (Bjelajac) Victims of this event can be anyone, women, men, children. “Even though research and estimations differ, it can be stated with certainty that on a yearly basis, hundreds of thousands of human beings are trafficked globally”(Bjelajac). “There is a wide range of potential forms of exploitation, from sexual, labor exploitation, criminal involvement, arrangement of marriages, organ donation, to forced military service” (Zeljko Spalevic). Government all over the world are lackadaisical towards this current problem. Human Trafficking represents the largest form of human violation. The victims are denied their rights to “life, work, education, dignity, safety, equality, freedom of movement, right to health, etc” (Zeljko Spalevic). Women most of all are at risk for these things. Female victims of human trafficking during sexual exploitation are not able to perform normal health protection measures, so the prevalence of HIV/AIDS has the greatest percent, as well as the concept of human dignity, in contrast to international norms and set civilization standards (Bjelajac). Due to all the physical and mental harm these victims endure it is nearly impossible to re-balance or “fix” their state of being. “It is not rare that victims are also murdered as a message and warning to other victims in order to prevent testifying or seeking help, as well as ensuring constant control and surveillance for prolonged abuse and exploitation of the victims” (Bjelajac). Human traffickers use more threats of violence than actual violence itself. With over 27 million individuals e