Is it possible that guns are the cause for all the violence and murders in America? Remember the tragedy that took place on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, when Adam Lanza opened fire and fatally shot twenty children and six adults. What about the event that took place just six months before that in a theater in Aurora, Colorado? On July 20, 2012, James Holmes open fired during a shooting scene in "The Dark Knight Rises." His actions had killed 12 people and injured 58 others in the meantime. Saying guns are the cause of these shootings, is like saying that the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were the cause of all those deaths, and that the planes momentarily crippled our nation. Even though changes in gun laws are necessary; Limiting magazine capacity, conducting background checks and reinstating the Assault Rifle Ban will not directly affect gun violence in America. Gun control controversies are not something that has just come about in the past few months. America has dealt with gun control issues for decades, as well as anti-gun groups that want to disarm America. In 2009, before Barack Obama got sworn into office for a second term, gun sales were on the rise around the country. Gun sales continued to rise mostly out of fear that once in office, Barack Obama would promote legislation to disarm the American citizens. In a news conference Mr. Obama stated, “Gun-owning Americans do not need to rush out and stock up before he is sworn in next month. I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment” (Hoar, 2009, para. 1). Mr. Obama also states, “Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I have not indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word" (Hoar, 2009, Para. 1). Here in 2013, those lawful gun owners are just as afraid, if not more, than they were early on in 2009 and with good reason too. Recently a gun control bill was in front of the senate that deals with issues of limiting gun magazine capacity, expanding background checks, and reinstating the assault rifle ban. According to sources at Fox News, in April 2013, the gun control bill failed to be passed by the senate. In a news conference following the failed attempt to pass the gun control bill, “President Obama lashed out at his usual favorite targets, "the gun lobby" and Republicans” (Lott, 2013, Para. 1). President Obama accused the groups of lying, and even “scolded" senators [who] could not offer any good reason" to oppose the legislation.” Let us look at the items on the agenda. In the article, “Gun Control Laws Will Not Save Lives” by Stephen E. Wright, Wright discusses issues ranging from handguns, large capacity magazines, concealed guns, and how anti-gun groups misconstrue the facts regarding guns. In this article, Wright makes some compelling arguments that seem to have some thought behind them, or more “common sense” than anything. One of the biggest controversies that are in front of congress at this time is the matter of limiting the capacity of the guns magazine. Anti-gun groups are pushing to have the capacity of those magazines limited. Anti-gun groups claim, “Large capacity firearms magazines enable murderers to kill large numbers of victims” (Wright, 2012, Para. 7), Wright states, “It takes 2 seconds or less to change the magazine in a weapon, which is simply not an impediment for an armed man shooting unarmed victims.” (Wright, 2012, Para. 8) Though this argument seems valid, you have to ask yourself, “Could someone take over the gunman while he was changing the magazine in his/her gun?” Therefore, instead of shooting 15 people, the shooter might only be able to shoot 10 people before they are taken down.