No cuts to education. No cuts to health care. No change to pensions. No cuts to the ABC and SBS. Tony Abbott promised all of these things, alongside many others, prior to being elected Prime Minister last year, yet not one of them remains true. $80 billion will be cut from health and education spending over the next 10 years. Age and disability pensions will be lowered from 2017 when they are linked to inflation rather than wage growth. $43.5 million over the next four years will be cut from ABC and SBS. You don't get a clearer breach in political commitment than that. So what does that say about Mister Abbot? Should we be trusting him as the Prime Minister of Australia? Abbott has made promise after promise that have merely been broken again and again. Abbot himself said; I am determined to ensure as far as we can that we can keep faith to all the commitments that we made to the Australian people before the election. Well he certainly has a funny way of showing this. In fact, all that Tony Abbott has proven to Australia, is how good he is at twisting his "promises and how terrible he is at public speaking. He is umm certainly not umm articulate nor umm persuasive, so why have we voted for him? Well that's an easy one. We believed what Abbot was telling us was 1) doable, and 2) positively impacting us as individuals, as well as a whole, so it seemed ideal. However, these were never acted upon and have left an angered and increasingly distrusted Australia. Abbott's response to such opinions however is; what do you want? Do you want a government that tells you yes, tough things are necessary, or do you want a government that wants to live in a fooling paradise forever? Is he just being tough, or unfair? After a minister has served their country for a particular period of time, another election occurs. Here we are told many more promises that are continually broken once one comes into power. Yet, we decide to ignore this continuou