Technology used today affects the human mind tremendously. It is able to change what we do and how we behave. Some people begin to lose focus, interact less face to face, and become isolated from society. Technology can also be beneficial by allowing us to communicate with one another, do research and it provides growth and advances for the population. Technology has had an impact on policies reinforced by the government, society, and human minds. In the novel "Fahrenheit 451," by Ray Bradbury, technology affected many of the characters. A young girl named Clarisse was seen as an outcast in her society. Clarisse questioned everyone and everything because she liked to understand what people were thinking. She was also very fascinated with nature; every time it would rain she'd taste the droplets and take walks in the forest. Another thing Clarisse did that was odd is watch people. Her perspective was that people were strange because they didn't read, but only watch the television and listen to "seashells." Montag, the protagonist, was impacted by Clarisse's perspective on technology and he began to question society's norms. Clarisse helped him reach his inner thoughts and made him realize that he was unhappy. Montag slowly began to isolate himself from work; he would not come in some days. He questioned why firefighters even burn books and if that was always their duty. Reading books was not allowed in Montag's society and he rebelled against it. He transitioned his life by reading books and hiding them in his home, which was against the law. Montag also found Mildred; his wife, to be so consumed with her electronics. She would be in her own world, completely captivated by her "family and relatives on the televisions and her "seashells." Mildred is like majority of the people in today's society because she is unable to think freely and keep a steady conversation going. Technology has tampered with the minds of many. Mildred isn't able to remember things like where she met her husband and how much sleeping pills she took. Ray Bradbury tells his readers that technology is something that can tamper with a human's behavior and mind. His characters go through psychological traumas, loss of memory, isolation, and are all obliged to follow rules set by the authority because if they rebel then there will be consequences. This novel does an amazing job in portraying today's issues occurring in society. Many people, like Mildred, become completely consumed by their devices that they are anxious without them. Even when you go out on a lunch date with a few friends, you can see that everyone is checking their phones for updates, text messages, missed calls and more. If they are not checking for that, than they are texting or calling and making another conversation with someone else. How rude is making new conversations with other people through devices when there are people sitting right in front of you? It is scary because when people are so consumed with their devices they begin to ignore their surroundings. They will talk about personal issues on their phone while others are surrounding them on the train. People on their devices forget about the rest of the world and think that it is only them with their piece of technology. When people begin spending too much time with their electronics they begin to face symptoms like tiredness, headaches, weakness and more. Scientists have developed a term for