Many of us spend countless hours in front of our large-screen televisions, computer monitors and smartphones; we're practically buried in and inundated with technology. on a daily basis, and thus depends heavily on it. From young kids to grandparents, age is irrelevant to who uses technology. It got me thinking how people used to go through their day without this useful technology. When we speak of technology, we are talking about all the computer, video games, televisions etc. As consumers of this great resource, we surround ourselves with technology constantly, to the point where we forget how it feels to experience the outdoors or to have a casual conversation with someone face to face. Technology challenges man’s very existence and the harmful effects of its addiction threatens him physically, intellectually, psychologically, socially and economically. The overuse of technological media has put a strain on man physically causing his life to be highly restricted to use of these means. Oak (n.d) states that the lifestyles of today offer little for rigorous exercise and encourages laziness and inactivity. Before time, modern technology was so popular “daily life involved a lot of physical activity and daily exercise was integrated in the routine physical activities” (Oak). According to (Greenfield, 1999) even seemingly simple advances such as the elevator, remote controls, credit card gas pumps, dishwashers and drive-through everything, have all had unintended negative effects. They all save time and energy, but the energy they save may dissuade us from using our physical bodies as they were designed to be used. As a child, it was realized that when children were bored, they would play outside, play sports or just do something physical, whereas in modern times when the chores are done children resort to indulging in some form of technological media. This may include time spent in playing video games, talking on the telephone, surfing the internet or using social networking sites. Excessive use of these forms has also led to physical damage to our eyes hands and nervous. For example, Doll expresses that constantly staring at your computer screen can cause a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), which results in neck and back pain, blurred vision, headaches, and a number of other symptoms of stress. Technology has made us lazy, inactive and has just made everything so “easy” that we cannot resist taking full advantage of it while overlooking the fact that that we are just damaging ourselves and wasting our time in the process. In addition, due to the over-utilisation of technology has not only served to damage us physically but has also inhibited man on the intellectual level. An excessive use of machines in every field can result in an under-utilization of the human brain. Due to this under-utilization of intelligence for a prolonged period of time, man may lose his intellectual abilities and may not even be able to think or use any form of problem solving abilities. The idea of original human creation is on the decline, exemplified in the following article excerpt: “Some MIT graduates got their paper accepted into the World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. The paper was written only by a computer-generated “context-free” program, with absolutely no help from the actual humans that created the program. In 1993, a person by the name of Scott French spent $50,000 in order to purchase an artificial intelligence so that he coul