?Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” But this philosophy is inapplicable in Pakistan. Here, truth becomes a curse when it is spoken or even one thinks of speaking against power elites. The Pakistani society, from the beginning, is hijacked by the feudal lord, dictators, politician and bureaucrats. They all have created a monopoly and always worked for their personal interests. Justice has always remained a myth in our country. The whole system of the country seems to be in the dock. Besides this precarious condition of the country, we still claim to be a civilized nation. Here the question comes in my mind that are we really civilized?? I think, "no." Take the case of Hamid Mir, the senior anchorperson of Geo News! Today he is considered a rebel, someone who works for Jews and America. Everyone tried to defame him by associating him as an Indian agent and every technique is exercised to blame him. On social media, he was abused, and our civilized nation declared him a criminal. I do not know why the greatest fact is ignored that he has been shot. He is still in hospital, bullets are still in his body. 97% of our population is Muslim, there is a concept of brotherhood in Islam, the whole community is like one body and it is believed that if a finger is suffering from pain, the whole body suffers. Today a Muslim brother is lying on death bad, and our nation is killing his character, his dignity and his loyalty. This is never done by the civilized people. Therefore, we should realized that we are yet not civilized. Secondly, there is a concept of human rights in every religion. The world is created for human beings. It is for us. And the fundamental teaching of the universe is love for humanity. Are we really following that teaching? I must say NO. Today we have become like beasts. We are enjoying the smell and color of human blood. This kin