
The Genetic Revolution

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The world is now entering the beginning stages of a new revolution: the genetic revolution. Genetics has been around for a long time now, with technology steadily advancing with it. With the rapid increase in both computer and biological technology, the genetic revolution is going to pave the way for synthetic biology to change the world. Some aspects of genetic revolution that we are going to look into today includes animal cloning, genetic engineering for humans and genetically modified foods. The different aspects of genetic revolution brings about both pros and cons to the world and by saying so, it is a mixed blessing, in which both the benefits and harms are similar or equal to one another. Firstly, through the genetic revolution, the technology and knowledge for cloning of living things becomes more vast and readily available. When people put this knowledge to use for cloning animals, it can bring about benefits which would not have been possible without the genetic revolution. Being able to clone animals will create new possibilities, such as being able to revive extinct or endangered animals. Recently, researches and scientists were able to successfully clone a burcada, which belongs to a subspecies of mountain goat, or ibex, which became extinct due to reasons such as loss of habitat and poaching. This was done by implanting eggs containing the DNA of the burcada into other species of ibex which acted as surrogates. The process of implanting the DNA of the burcada into empty goat eggs which allowed scientists to successfully clone animals is only achievable after the genetic revolution as they have much more knowledge and insights on the topic of genetics. This would not have been possible if scientist still were not sure about how genes work or have the technology to modify genes and DNA. Now that scientists are able to clone an extinct animal successfully, there will be wider possibilities of animals which can be cloned even if they are extinct. This can not only prevent endangered animals from being extinct, but also de-extinct animals to study them more in-depth and increase the biodiversity on our planet. Therefore, the genetic revolution can bring about blessings, by providing us with the tools to save endangered animals or bring bac

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