Established laws are a means to secure justice. However, it is against justice if it serves the interests of some group and ignores the rights of others. It is natural, if people refuse to comply with such kind of law. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters in Susan Glaspell’s play “Trifles,” were against such a law. In the play, Mrs. Minnie Wright murdered her husband. In the first place, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were with a team that was to investigate the cause of the murder one day after the incident in the abandoned farmhouse. Where they were in the kitchen of the farmhouse, the two women have got an evidence- the dead canary that might tell more about the cause of the murder. However, they intentionally hid it from the law. That is why they were tried. I am here as a juror to decide whether these women have to be punished or not. Ladies and gentlemen! As to me, as one of the jurors, the two women must not be punished. Because, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters did not do any crime other than showing their objection to the injustices and inequality of gender that kept a women in the shadow of men in all areas of life including the law. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were together in the kitchen of the house. They were talking about the manner in which the house was kept. As we can see in the play, the women were inspecting minor things. They were talking to each other about life from their experience. They were trying to assess what Mrs. Minnie Wright looks like after she was married to Mr. Wright. They were trying to investigate the real cause that led Mrs. Wright to kill her husband. The three men (two law enforcers and a neighbor) were wandering here and there in search of physical evidence that can lead to the cause of the murder. They were teasing at the women when the women were talking to each other. The county attorney said, “Women were used to worrying over trifles.” As to the men, women are only after things of little importance or val