In many families, the mother is the primary foundation and structural support of happiness and peace. She is a caregiver, a guider, a friend, and a shoulder to cry on. Mothers although integral in a child’s life are all equipped with different interest level and personalities. It is important to recognize these traits and if not conducive to development growth of a child actions can be done to try and curb this in its very young stage. A mother’s main interest level will range from being overprotective, attentive or alert and neglecting. I am aware that many reader will disagree with my division but a really alarming interest level is being overprotective. Firstly these are the mothers who literally confine their children solely to their room. One might say that this is being responsible, especially with violent times like the one we currently live in, although this may be true, mothers are guides and the building block of a bond between her child and her, her primary role is development growth, is growth conducive in the confinement of four walls without any societal interaction. Additionally, these are the parents who have inserted tracking chips in the child’s skull at birth just to be certain of their whereabouts. Shockingly these are also the same parents who place G.P.S anklets on their child just too also be certain of their location. Are children non-learns, I'm certain that we know where we live. If a mother has taught her child the difference between good and bad and right from wrong then her conscience should be clear because she has thought her child to the best of her ability and allowed them to grow. These mothers are also the ones who place protection padding all over their bodies especially when they are going to be playing in sports. They are also the ones who wrap their children in bubble wraps to protect their “fragile” bodies. Most shockingly these are the stalk and inspect their children’s crushes at t