Prior to 2001, any child who was not successfully meeting the standards of their particular grade level, was given the opportunity to repeat their current a grade in order to be better prepared to move ahead. With the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" (NCLB), a student will now move on to the next grade whether he is ready to or not. While in the next grade, there will be a special tutoring program in place to help re-educate the student on any material he had trouble with in the prior grade. Once a student is competent with the material, he would go back to his regular class schedule. The NCLB has outlined that the programs shall be ran either before or after school or during the summer. While the program sounds promising and the statistics show an incline in educational trends, the program itself is not living up to its name. I struggled through school for many years. After my third year in high school, the school district and my counselor decided I needed to be held back due to my grades. I had felt this was more of a punishment than the school district making an attempt to get me to understand the subjects that I was having problems with. I felt overwhelmed and ended up dropping out of school because I felt like I didn't need it to get by. After realizing that I needed an education, I was able to talk to my old counselor and he helped me get back into school. My counselor said I needed to pass all my classes and take a few courses in summer school to graduate. I pursued my mother for help since there were no programs in the school to help get me through the subjects. I ended up graduating with a high school diploma once all was said and done. Not having the proper help in school forced me to do things on my own, whereas students currently have help options. The NCLB needs to be amended or repealed because most children who are in these special programs are losing out on important classes in order to catch up with other subjects they may be having difficulti