?Have you ever been on a journey? Not a journey to an island with golden beaches or a bustling city full of tourists, but a journey of "yourself"; a journey of self-discovery? At all stages of our life we are on a journey that shapes our character and influences who we are”. Allowing change or gaining new knowledge can represent a journey. Physical, imaginative and emotional are all forms of journeys and are explored in the novel ‘Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey and the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost. On a summer evening in 1965, Charlie is visited by fourteen-year-old Jasper Jones, an outcast in Corrigan due to his mixed White-Aboriginal heritage. Jasper takes Charlie to his secret glade; it is here where Charlie bears witness to Jaspers horrible discovery. At the very start of the novel Charlie is shocked by the knock on his window, its Jasper Jones. Charlie is about to embark on a journey that will change him forever. “This is the first time I’ve ever dared sneak away from home. The thrill of this fills the moment with something portentous.” This is a form of Charlie’s physical journey, as he and Jasper set off to the glade. The word portentous means full of unspecifiable significance; exiting, wonder and awe. Charlie also adds “I was born without speed or courage.” Part of Charlie’s journey is an inner journey that he needs to find that courage and become a man. The novel demonstrates the other journeys such as imaginative, as Charlie learns more about the death of Laura. “ If we don’t look, if we talk around her, she’ll dissolve into the night. And this won’t have ever happened.” Charlie goes from being innocent to naïve and starts to imagine what would happen if they don't talk about Laura. This imaginative journey contradicts Charlies inner journey, and how he is going to handle the burden of Laura Wishart’s death. Throughout the novel the language technique of symbolism is a rec