“Steroids were used before they were illegal, and they'll continue to be used. So why not just legalize it [steroids]? Tax the steroids heavily instead of letting foreign markets reap in the trade, and order that a physician assists the user so that side effects are minimized” (Robson 57). This quote by Stephen Catanese shows that we can legalize the use of steroids for the public but can still make it illegal for professional athletes to use while they play in their respective sports. We can also get a great deal of money from taxing steroids heavily and making the steroid users go to a physician so nothing happens to them but they have to pay the hospital bill for their checkups. How is it possible that a person could hang himself because he got grounded for two weeks? “Taylor Hooton ...who was a promising pitcher on his tenth grade team in Plano, Texas. But Taylor desperately wanted to crack the starting rotation on the varsity [team]” (Kaminsky). How big should a player be to be a varsity level pitcher? “At six foot two inches and 175 pounds, Taylor was a long, lean player. One of his coaches took him aside and told him he needed to bulk up to succeed at the varsity level” (Kaminsky). What made him start to use steroids? “In the fall of his junior year Taylor began using steroids over a period of months he added nearly thirty pounds of muscle. When Taylor’s dad asked him why he was acting rude and disrespectful to family members, Taylor said, "You wouldn't understand. I'm just stressed’” (Kaminsky). What drove Taylor to hang himself? “In the month before Taylor’s senior year [his family] took a family vacation to England. Before returning home, Taylor stole a laptop and video projector from other hotel guests. As partial punishment Taylor was grounded for two weeks. When he awoke the next morning Taylor sat next to his mom and begged, ‘Please do not ground me.’ His mother refused his plea, and Taylor plodded upstairs. There, He hanged himself” (Kaminsky). It is terrible thinking that steroids can cause a person to steal things and then hang himself. Steroids are naturally occurring hormones in the body. Although all steroids are lipids composed of a carbon skeleton with four fused rings attached, steroids differ in what functions are attached to the rings. Anabolic steroids are steroids that enhance muscle building. Androgenic steroids are steroids that promote masculinization of the body. “Steroids were first manufactured in the 1930’s but were not widely used until Russian athletes discovered them in the 1950’s” (Kaminsky). The use of steroids has become one of the greatest controversial things in all professional sports but more in Major League Baseball (MLB). Ryne Sandberg, a former MLB player and Hall of Famer, would like to see the MLB crack down harder on performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and said, “Players are still comfortable with the penalties involved. Guys have failed tests and sat out two months and got big multi-year contracts the next year If you have a guy sit out two or three years and you have other players taking their jobs, I think it would be tougher to get back into the game” (Hummel). On the other hand, the fans of these sports do not seem to care. “It appears the outrage that was once there in baseball is gone, and the fact that half of the National Football League (NFL) looks like drug-infused lab rats does not seem to bother anyone either” (Waldron). If sports were clean meaning no PEDs fans would be bored because there would be no 450 foot home runs in baseball, or no hard hits in football. “Fans love to proclaim that they want a clean game, but they also enjoy what steroids create: longer home runs, harder hits, stronger and faster players, and more entertaining sporting events” (Waldron). While many individuals are convinced that the penalties of steroids now are fine, the facts indicate that the sports associations should give harsher penalties for steroid usage. One undeniable reason that steroids