
Believe, Inspire and Follow Your Dreams

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My heart was pounding. My breath was quickened. I was neck and neck with a Uniondale track runner. We were about 200 meters from the finish line. All I could think about was my coach, Derek, shouting the words “kick.” He would tell us that so that we can give it our all the last few meters before the finish line. Time wasn't on my side right now. Although out of breath and exhausted from running, I couldn't stop without crossing this finish line and come in first. I was in a prime position to take home this title- 1st place. I took a deep breath, adjusted my form. The next thing I heard was cheers of applause. I did it. I finished the race and came in first. A big bronze trophy was my reward. What a sense of fulfillment! Then I woke up. It was all a dream. I can’t wait to be running in the Olympics. Without realizing it, my mind goes back to when I first fell in love with track and field. It was the summer of 2008 and the Olympics were taking place in Beijing, China. I was staying at a hotel in Orlando, Florida and one evening my mother turned on the TV to the Olympics. Up until then, I never took an interest in the Olympics. But once I saw Allyson Felix sprinting by this runner who she once tied with the 4X400m Relay, I was captivated. The rest of the night I stayed up watching track and field. I didn't know it then, but that was the night that brought my love for the sport. Since the age of four I had an interest in moving. I am an active person who enjoys participating in physical activity. There has always been a natural talent of speed in my family. When my father was younger, he would run marathons and come within the top ten. My brother is also fast, not faster than me though, but he too uses his speed in basketball. He dominates the other players. Coach Derek is an amazing person and I was honored to have him as my coach. He was a well respected police officer who dedicated his spare time to teaching Youth Track and

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