What is your take on cell phones in schools? Many cellphones are being banned in many schools because of the many distractions that they are causing in class. Many people use phones in school and distract the students that are there to learn but they don't care because they don't want to learn, but what is that showing the younger kids. Are cell phones really helping us kids? Some say yes and some say no because it makes us rely on them way to much so we don't have to do anything and this make our study habits and such go downhill because we depend on our phones all of the time. When you are in class and the phone rings (or even if it's on vibrate mode) it interrupts the class and this cause the teacher to lose their place of what they are teaching and causes an extreme interruption for the whole class. Not to mention this is extremely disrespectful to the teacher who takes a lot of time to create an important lesson for you. Which can cause the students to have more of a reason to cheat in class because they weren't paying attention. This also causes students to get there phones taken away so then they get hostile and start yelling and being rude, and could lead to illegal or wrong use of their phone just to get out of that class for example (a student will call the school and report a bomb threat and there really isn't one and they maybe just doing it as a prank or using it so they can get out of class. Another example is calling their mom or dad to come pick them up just for that hour.) (Borkar, 2012). Which in another sense cell phones are good because if kids have to find their own ride home and they don't have a phone what could that cause them not to get home and if their ride was unable to get them and they didn't know till after when they looked at their phone then they could call someone else to come and pick them up. Also if they are walking home and the parents call them and ask where they are they can immediately answer and tell them or if someone is following them and they don't know them they could call a family member or the emergency services (Smith, 2012). Approximately 300 million cell phones are being used in the USA Today. Most people don't know that cell phones contain precious metals such as Gold and Silver. If there are approximately 300 million phones in the world that are used imagine how much gold and silver you would have if you had all of those phones and the amount of money you would make selling all of that