
The High Cost of a Good Education

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The law requires every child to attend some sort of formal schooling, whether it's at home or a private or public school. According to the overview, “Compulsory Education,” however, about half of the states have their attendance requirement age set to 16 (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2008). Altering this age to 18 will obligate adolescents to remain in school; this will not only reduce high school dropouts but also attempt to minimize teen pregnancy and juvenile crime. Although, students need not only to present the commitment, they must also retain the eagerness to learn. Introducing community and volunteer service into our education system will contribute to the personal growth of adolescents’ and assist their transition from immaturity, this will in turn, benefit the economical needs of the state. Adolescents often fail to comprehend that continuing their education is quite possibly the most valuable decision they could make to improve their financial capacity in the future. What they tend to overlook is that dropping out of high school means, minimum wage and slim chances of advancement. A high school graduate will acquire higher employment and earnings than that of a high school dropout, in turn, contributing more in tax revenues over his/her lifetime. In their article, “The True Cost of High School Dropouts,” Henry Levin and Cecilia Rouse state, “When the cost of investment to produce a new graduate are taken into account, there is a return of $1.45 to $3.55 for every dollar of investment” (Levin & Rouse, 2012). Education has become much more important in these technological ages, the economic state of the country will rely upon the skills of its future citizens. A successful educational experience requires both, complete student compliance and adequate teacher instruction. There are numerous factors that aid in hindering one's eagerness to achieve a proper education. The absence of a productive academic curriculum, the implementation of standardized tests, and teachers lacking fundamental characteristic traits are all examples of such factors. All of which

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