
The Constitution and the Right to Individuality

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?The idea of ??defending the right to wear a hat has direct relation with the concepts of happiness, freedom of speech and the abolition of discrimination. The first amendment of the constitution of the United States protects the right to freedom of expression of government interference or other external agents to prevent a citizen own claim rights or disagreements in a country largely defined as free. Thus, it is important to analyze the above concepts to allow us to wear a hat if we would without violate or threaten the internal peace of the United States. First of all, we must speak of the "right to pursue happiness." Our founding fathers gave a special value to being happy, but who can answer it means being happy in general? Being happy is an individual physical and mental state to each other this state is different and impossible to standardize. However, it is the core of the right to freedom as determine if you are happy is our own action, it depends on what is there for us, what meaning does the universe around us and how we understand ourselves as human beings, "individuals." When individually discovered that makes us "happy," we should think how to make this personal goal without affecting our life in society to achieve it. "Our happiness is to wear hats all our lives." Second, we must have clear rights as found in the Constitution: freedom of expression. Freedom of expression have immersed several concepts as religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition, but not only talking strictly grammatical. Freedom of expression protects us in the First Amendment argues and defends the right of Americans to show their requests anyway and disagreements with the government to put on evidence your thoughts and feelings about situations that interfere with social life and privacy of everyone with the intention of not seeing thwarted the development of personality within the limits set by the social rules of the federation. It is for

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