
Canada, Immigration and Multiculturalism

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Overview Immigration and multiculturalism have enacted an important role in the upbringing of Canada as a country. In this seminar, our group will be analyzing and explaining how the role of Immigration and Multiculturalism has assisted Canada into becoming the country it is today. We will talk about the events such as the Multiculturalism Policy, The Points System and Vietnamese-Canadian History. Immigration and Multiculturalism has brought a diverse and innovative change to the Canadian economy by allowing Canadians in general to experience cultures from different countries and vice versa. Even though most Canadians have not yet been accustomed to the change, some Canadians have warmly accepted and welcomed the new and diverse change in Canadian society. Now we will begin our seminar by firstly starting with the 1960's and concluding it through the decade of the 90's. The Points System The most significant event for Canada during the period of the 60's, was the formulation of The Points System. Canada during the decade of the 60's, due to its high unemployment rates, could not attract immigrants despite the efforts of many Canadian officials to directly recruit immigrants from camps overseas. Even though Canada was not a fully diverse and multicultural country during that time, the development of the Points System for shows otherwise. It socially and economically portrays a diverse nation, a nation which has a future and has the capability to further shape its potential growth. This system made efforts to relieve the pressures of sponsored immigration, and established nine factors or criteria against independent applicants, to enable skilled and unskilled immigrants, including people from Third World countries to enter Canada. The requirements of this system stated that you needed 67 points to pass and a maximum a person could possibly earn was 100 points with education and fluency in language counting for almost half of the points. Canada adopted a non-discriminatory admission policy in 1962 a few years ahead of the United States (in 1965). Both countries had

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