
High School Graduates and the Gap Year

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The thought of going into post-secondary may be intimidating for the soon-to-be graduates of 2014. It can be a tough transition “going from a school that focuses on several subjects to help you decide what you would like to pursue to attending a much bigger school that mainly focuses on the career that you have chose for your future. This is one of the many reasons why some graduates consider taking a "gap year." A gap year is a well-established tradition in the U.K, Australia, and New Zealand and is when a student takes a year off before entering college/university to either work, relax, and/or travel. Although there can be cons to taking a gap year and very few for that matter, this essay will outline some of the reasons why a graduate should consider taking a year off after graduating high school before attending post-secondary. Some students may have in mind what career they would like to pursue after high school, but there are other students who are absolutely clueless. There are even some senior students finishing off their final semester that do not have an ounce of clue as to what they would like to pursue, which can be very nerve-wracking. Some individuals may even choose a random career because they want to attend the same college or university as their peers and some just do not want to be late' entering the final stage of their education. Of course, not all graduates benefit from taking a gap year or go to post-secondary right after their gap year is over because the students' successfulness depends on what the individual spent doing during their gap year as well as what and where their mind is set at. Taking a gap year can be efficient when it comes to saving up money for tuition or for what else dreams a graduate may want to pursue. Some students work full-time in order to make more money, while some even work more than one job. This is common during a graduates' gap year. If anything, it is one of the top reasons why students' take a year off before attending post-secondary; money issues. As many know, post-secondary tuition can be particularly expensive. Most parents begin saving up for their child starting from when they were a baby but even so, it can still be overwhelmingly pricey. For two semesters of college on residence, the tuition ranges to about $20,000 while non-residence is about $13,500 (includes textbook fees, miscellaneous fees, and such). Although a year of working may not make much, if the student decides to apply for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program), the money can come in handy so he/she w

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