
We Are Wisconsin - A Documentary by Amie Williams

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"We are Wisconsin," is a documentary directed by director Amie Williams. In February 2011, for twenty six days, members of Wisconsin came together supported by other people all over the US and other parts of the world so their voices could be heard. When Governor Scott Walker proposed a bill to cut public workers benefits and collective bargaining rights because he claims they were facing a fiscal meltdown called the "Budget Repair Bill," six members of the Wisconsin community came together: a police officer, a teacher, a union worker, a social worker, a nurse and a student and organized what was one of the biggest protest of this magnitude in Wisconsin. "We are Wisconsin" was able to show how political activism was not stereotypical, the showed how one could make a difference even though you may not be apart of an institution or organization and change can be achieved through people. The reason why unions ultimately rejected the budget bill is that they didn't believe middle class workers were the problem behind Wisconsin being broke. They believed Wall street had more to do with it than the average everyday working people so this in turn made the middle class angry and so they used their unions as a platform to voice their concerns over the budget cuts that Governor Scott Walker was trying to pass that would affect public sector workers funds. The funds that were mentioned to be cut were: hospital funds, police officer funds, teacher's pensions etc. If this bill was passed, this bill would in turn take the power of collecting bargaining from these employees. Collective agreement is a process through which employees, unions and employers agree on matters like wages, benefits, job security, health and safety regulations, maternity leaves, grievance procedures and vacation days. Without the option of collective bargaining workers may see or have their working conditions deplete through unsafe and unfair labour practices which could include a number of things, example racism, l

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