Dear Diary, It must have been forever since I wrote you. Please forgive me, but some unexpected things did take place lately. The Bennet family can still not believe what happened. Including myself, nobody had seen it coming. Especially, Mr. Bennet, he couldn't believe his eyes! I've been serving the family for a while. However, I've never seen tears in Mr. Bennet his eyes. He must have been so happy. Oh excuse me again! I did not even tell what particular event has occurred! Mr. Darcy proposed a second time to Mrs. Elizabeth and she accepted his proposal. I thought she was never going to accept a proposal! It has been a while, so I will explain roughly what happened the last couple of months. Some time earlier Mr. Collins payed a visit to the Bennets. It soon became apparent that Mr. Collins did come here, to Longbourn, to choose a wife from among the Bennet sisters and he proposed to Mrs. Elizabeth in the kitchen. Elizabeth rejected! She just rejected, without thinking of the financial benefit to the family of such a match. If some wealthy man such as Mr. Collins would propose to me, I would not dare to reject him. Elizabeth has always been stubborn, to the chagrin of Mrs. Bennet.. Instead of accepting Mr. Collins proposal, she felt attracted to Mr. Wickham. I could see it in her eyes. Mr. Wickham is a officer in the militia. Additionally, he is superficially handsome. Of what I've heard, he has been acquainted with Mr. Darcy since childhood, being the son of Mr. Darcy's father's steward. The gossip is unreal when you serve a family with five daughters...However, Mr. Wickham spread a kind of tale about all the wrong things Mr. Darcy had done to him, increasing Miss Elizabeth's dislike towards Mr. Darcy. Although, I have thought from the beginning Mrs. Elizabeth secretly liked Mr. Darcy since the moment that he and Mr. Bingley, the wealthy bachelor, moved into Netherfield Park in our neighbourhood. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I alway