In the article, "What are the Various Christian Views of Creation," author Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church, presents six common biblical interpretations that Christians hold regarding the creation account as found in Genesis 1-2. The position of creation that I subscribe to is the Young-earth creationist view which embraces the six sequential twenty-four hour days by which God created the universe and humanity. I subscribe to this view because it is the interpretation that has been purported by theologians and hermeneutical scholars throughout church history. Moreover, I believe, "the bible actually teaches the inerrant truth from God that must believed, but it does not teach everything we want to know." In addition, there are many questions that scientist cannot answer regarding creation. The part of Driscoll's article that has contributed to my understanding of the debate over Creation is Driscoll's exegetical explanation of Exodus 20:8-11. He explains that this passage shows, "each day is numbered so that there is a succession of days." Further, each day is described as having a morning and evening, which is the common vernacular for a day. Evidence of Genesis 1-3 - Shaping My Literal View The details in Genesis 1-3 that influences me the most in trying to decide how literally I should read these chapters are the trinity's involvement in the creation account; the order by which God prepared the earth to be a suitable habitation for man; God's creation of man, woman and the institution of marriage; and God's grace extended to man in his fallen state. My approach is more literal because of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament regarding accounts from creation as taught in Mark 10:6 where Jesus speaks of man and woman being created by God, "from the beginning of the creation. In Luke 11:50-51 Jesus speaks of the blood of Abel in conjunction with the blood of the prophets. Moreover, in John 8:44 speaks of Sata