My observation for this week talks about the book of Exodus. It talks about the birth of Moses, Moses' exile from Egypt, how Moses and Aaron delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, and the laws that God set in place for the Israelites to obey. It also talks about the false idols that the Israelites worshipped that made God angry, and about his promise to deliver the Israelites to the promise land. It also talks about Moses death, and how Joshua was appointed to lead the Israelites into the promise land. Let's take a deeper look into what is discussed in the book of Exodus. The story begins with the Israelites multiplying too much and too fast. This made the pharaoh very nervous. The pharaoh then sent out his army to kill all the male newborns within the Israelites or Hebrews as the pharaoh would call them to keep them from multiplying, fearing that the Israelites would rise up against him and free themselves from slavery. So Moses' mother sent him adrift up the Nile River in hopes that he had a chance of survival. After surviving the Nile, the pharaoh's daughter found him, and hired his natural birth mother to nurse him. She then raised him as her own child. Moses later on in life realized he was an Israelite (Hebrew), he then sent himself into exile for killing an Egyptian overseer for torturing an Israelites. He wandered in the desert of Negev forty years. After being in exile for forty years, he came to a village ruled by this man named Jethro. There in the village, he learned more about his original culture, and wed his wife Zipporah. God then appeared to Moses as a burning bush to tell Moses that he would deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses told Zipporah and his father-in-law Jethro about the mission God gave him to do which they both were against claiming that he was only one man, and could not do the task alone. So Moses and Zipporah set out to Egypt. Once arriving in Egypt, Moses talks to the pharaoh and warns him of God plans to destroy Egypt if he didn'