In the story, "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a curious scientist conducts an experiment involving the participation of his aged friends who had all suffered a horrible youth. A notable detail found in the story is that the scientist does not take part in the experiment involving the sacred water from the fabled Fountain of Youth. Hawthorne tells us that Dr. Heidegger has no desires of wanting to become a part of such a fantasy because not only does he know that youthful desires bring about nothing trouble and that the test subjects must meet a specific requirement, but also as a scientist he simply desires to exam the behavioral changes and effects a fantasy can cause in experienced human beings. Dr. Heidegger understands that youthful desires and inexperience in life result in nothing but trouble. He said, "For my own part, having had much trouble growing old, I am in no hurry to grow young again" (p.506,Line 148). Dr. Heidegger is saying that with all the suffering he had to deal with during his days as a youth he does not wish to relive it. In reality Dr. Heidegger is scared of facing his past which involves losing his lover on the day of their wedding. Secondly, Dr. Heidegger does not take part of the experiment because he lacked the requirements which needed to be met for his experiment. After warning his fellow acquaintances he tells them, "Drink, then, said the doctor, bowing: "I rejoice that I have so well selected the subjects of my experiment" (p.507, Line 171). This quote talks about the test subjects being the best for his experiment. All of the test subjects have committed either evil deeds or infamous acts based on youthful desires. Although Dr. Heidegger may have suffered a misfortunate past the story never tells us that he fell into despair due to youthful desires. Dr. Heidegger sought an experiment studying if his acquaintances would act differently as a youth when holding knowledge of