Introduction Surah Al-Mu'minūn takes its name from the first verse. It is the 23rd Surah of the Holy Quran. It is located in the 18th Para. It has 118 ayahs (verses). There are 6 ruku. It was revealed in Makkah hence it is a Makkan Surah. It was revealed when there was a conflict between the disbelievers and Prophet (S.A.W). Main Theme In the beginning Surah talks about the noble and humble qualities of a true believer. Then moving on, it talks about Faith, Oneness of Allah, Prophethood, Resurrection and the Day of Judgment. Surah tells about the Allah's creations: the different stages of a man in his mother's womb, about Heaven and Earth, about rain and plants, about animals and their benefits to man, and it states that man shall die one day and will be raised up again on Day of Resurrection. It talks about different previous prophets such as Hazrat Nuh (A.S), Hazrat Hud (A.S), Hazrat Musa (A.S), Hazrat Haroon (A.S) and Hazrat Isa (A.S), and what happened to their nations when they disobeyed the Commands. Surah also talks about Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)'s events when the pagans of Makkah disbelieved and opposed him (S.A.W). Specific Examples of Faith, Spirituality and, Character This Surah has all in one; Faith. Spirituality and Character traits. It explains not only by verses but with analogies and in-depth understanding. Few of the examples are given below: Faith Faith is the blind trust on things that are unseen. There are five articles of faith and to follow Islam and be part of it, one must follow all five of them: Faith in Oneness of Allah; Faith in Prophets; Faith in Angels; Faith in Revealed Books, and Faith in the Hereafter. Surah Al-Mu'minūn has very strong verses about existence of Allah and the Hereafter and the Prophets. Few of the examples are given below: "And assuredly, We made man from the extract of clay." (23:12) And further it explains in the following verses: (23:13) (23:14) Soon after these verses,