1. Introduction Touch football is a high intensity sport and a player's performance depends on his personal fitness profile. Fitness can mean different things to different people. Fitness refers to a person's fitness component and their energy systems. The purpose of this report is to evaluate which touch position suits me best depending on my fitness profile and understanding of the related fitness components. To complete this task I performed a variety of fitness tests as well as playing various games of touch. Touch football being a high intensity game both players of the wing and mid position must have both a different and similar set of fitness components. 2. Analyse and Compare The game of touch was developed in rugby league, with tackling the opposing players being replaced by a touch. Touch is therefore a not a contact sport but is classified as a limited contact sport. Some distinctive features of touch are that it is an easy sport to learn and minimal equipment requirements. The game is played on a 70m long and 50m long field, there are three positions the first is the middle position this player does the most work on the field then there is the wing position who is the fastest players on the field and finally the link that is stationed between the wing and the middle but the wing and the middle are the two main positions. The middle position plays the hardest since on offense they have to run and ruck to make gaps in the defence and then on defences they have to keep running back onside so they won't be penalized for not being back 10 meters, most middle players are short since they normally have more agility than taller people. The fitness components of a middle player are; coordination in order to catch the ball, agility in order to change direction quickly to draw out the defensive player, balance to keep the player from falling over, speed to get through the gaps in the defence quickly. The energy requirements of a midd