Success is different for everyone in today's society. My definition of success is overcoming obstacles and setting personal goals so that I'm able to stretch myself to my full potential. Someone once said, "Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them." I think that anyone can be successful but to be fully successful you need to accomplish the goals set for yourself. Anyone who wants to be successful and is willing to strive for that success will achieve anything. In history, there are several positive leaders that have made our society what it is now. I believe that one of the most prominent leaders was Nelson Mandela. He showed his constant dedication to ending racial discrimination and dedicated himself by risking his own freedom to end the apartheid system. Nelson Mandela has had one of the most powerful inspirations to over millions of people all around the world. From a very young age, Nelson Mandela started his most significant movement against the racial discrimination in his country, South Africa. He realized that he wanted to end apartheids and soon became active in many different movements all over the world in his way, which was non-violent protesting. Although he realized that non-violent protesting wasn't good enough to end the apartheid, he received a lot of attention from several different countries. This illuminated many South Africans to carry on his believe of working hard to gain equality for all different races. During all this protesting he soon became banned from many areas and was constantly put in jail. I believe that citizens wanted to end racial discrimination, but didn't know how to go about it and start the movement on their own. They needed a leader to show them the ropes and lead them to a positive and non-discriminated future. "We must not allow fear to stand in our way. (Mandela 5) Mandela risked his own life by being brave and taking the role as a lead