Travelling is one of my favorite things to do. It brings me a lot of joy and happiness. The best thing about travelling is that I get to try new experiences. When I travel I meet new people, new places, and try new food. What can be better than leaving everything behind to see how others live their lives around the world? Its one of the greatest adventures a person could ever experience. We met our senior year when she was an exchange student at our high school, her name is Josefin and she is one of the most spectacular people I have ever met. Being with friends is pure happiness. I have three close friends Sarah, Brittany, and Josefin. We decided to go to Sweden summer of 2013. Sweden is Josefin's home country. My friends had never left the States before this vacation so it was very exciting for them. I however have had the contingency to travel many times before and let me tell you none of them were quite as enjoyable as Sweden. Although we didn't see each other very often, it felt like we did because every time we were together we discussed Sweden. We met up for coffee a couple times a week to chat about our plans. It was always the same cafe called Insomnia located in Hillsboro, Oregon it had the aroma of roasted coffee beans so fresh and nutty. Many hours went by sipping away, unending because we got to share this timeless experience together. Excitement intensified as the date of our retreat grew closer and closer. The night before our flight left none of us could sleep and we simply stayed up the entire night because we were all so eager. The flight departed early the next morning at four o'clock. Running on shitty coffee and tired as hell we trudged through the airport like mindless zombies and we knew it would all be worth it once we got to Sweden this beautiful utopia we were told about. When we arrived Josefin and her family was there to greet us and escort us to their home in Stockholm, Sweden. It took about four hours to g