Over the past several decades, the world of business has drastically changed through social networking. The rapid spread of the social networking has enabled everyone to communicate with each other more quickly and efficiently regardless of where individuals are in the world. With this, internationalization within the field of business is accelerating. Companies are changing their policies to globalize in diverse ways in order to work with distinctive people around the world. As a result, the criteria that companies demand from job applicants have been changing gradually. In Japan, globalization has begun to spread steadily over time, and many major Japanese corporations have expanded on a global basis. Today, studying business at a prestigious school in Japan does not necessarily guarantee a career; many companies prefer an individual with more international experience and the ability to speak English, rather than a degree from a respected university. In order to expand my own international experience, I wish to study at Seattle University and further my potential as a competent businessman with strong international perspectives. Then my father had taken over the family business, I only consider the field of business to be a realistic and achievable. From my experience I have had in my father's company, I realized this is a career path in which I can accomplish on my own. My personal experience started when I was thirteen years old, I began quite interested in my father's company. His determination and commitments toward his company, and the people he worked with in Japan inspired me to become more attentive. Gradually I became interested in leadership when I was in high school. During my youth, I devoted myself to soccer for 10 years. I became the captain of the high school soccer team, because my coach acknowledged my thoughtful and motivated personality. I say thoughtful, because my teammates frequently cited me as the person most likely to appreciate their qualities, accept their faults, and stand up for them at any time. I eventually began to lead the team, and as captain, I was responsible for communicating with my teammates, creating a schedule, and motivating them when they were in need of support. Instead of being concerned about the final result, or how many points we could earn in a match, I found that it was more important to review the process, which led us to a better final outcome. I also really enjoyed motivating others, as it gave me a reason to be enthusiastic and positive at all times. It was essential for me to fully connect and understand each and every one of my teammates in order to be a true leader. I feel as th