
The Golden Personality Test

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Sometimes my co-workers can be shallow, dishonest, unreliable, and generally fake when it comes to how they are at work. You can go into work one day and they are laughing and joking with you, and the next day they can be snapping at you and treating you like you murdered someone. I usually just deal with this at work, then go home and vent to my boyfriend about them. I never imagined that a simple test in a college class could change how I looked at my co-workers. We had to complete what is called the Golden Personality test for my First Semester Seminar course, which took place from March 3rd to April 26th. This test was written by John P. Golden, who is an economic and social scientist. This test that he wrote presents a way to better understand not only the type of personality we have, but also what type of personality those around us have. Taking this test was meant to show the differences and similarities between personality types, and as a result, would make us more prepared to work with all the different types of people we may come across in our lives. When I first went to take this test, I wasn't really sure about how accurate it would be, but I believe that taking this test has made working with the people in my life, such as home, work, and school, a lot less difficult. Here are my reasons why I believe this test was effective. After you take this test, which is comprised of various questions about how we react to situations, people, places, etc., you are given an "official" personality type. This personality type is based off of your answers to the questions taken from sixteen different possible types, is represented by four letters, and each letter in the personality type describes aspects that stand out about your personality based upon your answers to the questions given. The test is also separated out into sections that show how you react and feel in life. The personality type that I was identified as when I took this test was an "ENFJ." The letters in my personality type stand for Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. The first section of the Golden Personality Test represents where and how you focus your energy in life. This could either be as an Extrovert, or

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