
Case Study - First Grade Boy

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Section 1 The child I have chosen to do this case study is a first grader. His name is William. He is six years old. He lives at home with his mom and dad. William does not know where his family is from but he speaks English fluently. He is a very quiet boy. According to his teacher he has no serious life threatening medical condition. Also, information that was provided to me from the teacher was that first grade is William's first time in school. Thus, lacks a lot of the basic skills that are often learned in pre-k and kindergarten. He has 10 siblings, six sisters and four brothers. He lives in East Elmhurst. As pets he owns a dog and cat. William's favorite thing to do is color. On the weekend he likes to go to the beach and play with his brothers and sisters. Usually, after school William goes to daycare and does homework. He also takes soccer lessons. His favorite food is pizza, burgers and pickles. William has been to the circus, museum and library with his family. He has also been on a plane to visit his family. His favorite television show is Dragon Ball-Z. William cannot read yet however, enjoys being read to. Section 2 William is six however, struggles with reading and writing. Thus, when I asked him about his favorite book(s), he did not know of any. When reading to him the "Primary Reading Attitude Survey  from the interview protocol, he pointed to the happy face after each one I read to him but I do not think he was really comprehending what I was saying. After observing some of his behavior in class, I noticed that even though he did not mention it to me, the teachers often allows him to be in the listening area while listening to the book on CD. He has his headphones on and the book next to his. I see the he does not really point to the text but will look closely at the illustrations. Section 3 Concepts about Print Book orientation - In this part of the assessment I handed his a book. He was able to point to the front and back of the book but was unable to point to the title. He pointed to the barcode on the back of the book. I think this is due to the fact that he was pointing to the back of the book. I guess he assumed the title was on the back. Difference between illustrations and print - When I asked William to point to the pictures (illustrations) he pointed to the barcode. I asked his to point to the letters (print) he was able to point to the text. He was unable to show me where the text begins. Directionality of Print Unfortunately, William had a really hard time showing me the directionality of print on a page. He did not know where the beginning or end of the text was or the beginning or end of words on a page. Print Terminology As far as the print terminology he also struggled. He was able to identify the top and bottom of the page. Also point to a letter and word but was unable to point to a specific letter or word on request. He also struggled identifying upper and lower case letters and could not point out the exclamation mark when I asked him on the page. Letter Identification For this assessment, I only gave William four upper and lower case letters. For the four upper case he was able to identify A, B, C, and L and was able to tell me it was uppercase. For the four lower case I gave his n, d, a and g. He was able to identify n, a, and g but when I asked about d he said it was a b. Then when I asked him if these were upper or lowercas

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