
Foreign Language Acquisition

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Introduction In this essay, I will give an overview of the factors which have an impact on foreign language acquisition and their interdependence. The affective factors are very strong in their impact on learning and, as in any other field of study, foreign language acquisition is affected by them. These factors do not exist separately nor do they stay unchanged by each other. Foreign Language Acquisition Learning a foreign language is a very complex process which is affected by numerous factors. These factors can be divided into cognitive and affective (Stern, 1986.) Cognitive factors are related to the field of learning covered by intellectual ability, while affective directed towards emotional side of human responses to events in the environment (Oxford, 1999). There are five affective domains: attitudes, motivation, self-assessment, fear and attributions. Attitudes Attitudes toward the language one aims to acquire may vary depending to the language in question. When talking about the English language, being a global language, there are various aspects which may prove to be problematic or which may contribute to the desire to learn it. Some might share Phillipson's view. of English and its spread as a contribution to linguistic imperialism, anglocentrism, linguicism, and linguistic genocide, which could affect their motivation, in a very negative way, to learn it. Others, on the other hand, might agree with promoters of English, organizations such as the British Council, the IMF and the World Bank, individuals and English-language schools, which use three types of argument to encourage the spread of English and its usage. Their intrinsic arguments describe the English language as providential, rich, noble and interesting, extrinsic arguments point out that English is well-established and functional arguments emphasize the usefulness of English as a gateway to the world. This view may also apply to other languages- if one finds a la

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