When we speak about canon of scripture, the word canon has a simple meaning. It means the list of books contained in scripture, the list of books recognized as worthy to be included in the sacred writings of a worshipping community. Wikipedia said that "canon is the list of books considered to be authoritative scripture by a particular religious community." Christians might say that canon is the list of writings recognized by the Church as a Divine revelation. The word canon came from the Greek word, meaning "rule" or "measuring stick." And in Greek it is a rod or a staff to make things straight. The word canon was first used by Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. Athanasius was the most prominent theologian in the fourth century, his list of canon scriptures was a part of his letter Thirty-Ninth Festal Epistle of A.D. 367. He supports the idea of the canon of scriptures by the council of Laodicea. But he was adding some books that were not accepted by the council. But before the word "list came to be used by the church, the meaning of it in the early Church was used into another sense, they called it the "rule of faith" or the "rule of truth." But when the scriptures were canonized they said that the scripture itself is the rule of faith. The subject of the canon deals not only with history but also with faith and theology." For Christian theology is always concerned with history, special history in which God is at work, history that has urgent meaning for us as we attend to it in faith and see God at work in it to fulfil his purpose. The canon talks a theological issues, it implies that God did something in the History. It brings out the idea that God was active in the collection and production of these writings. Closed Canon Nothing can be added and nothing can be taken away this is the idea of a closed canon. There were many questions regarding to the canonization of the scriptures. For example, why do some Bibles contain more books than the other? At what date were the books limited to their present number and who determined it? Josephus A Jewish historian (A.D 37-A.D100) discussed the formation and limitation of the Old Testament canon. He regard it as authoritative, he said unlike the Greek they have innumerable multitudes of books, the Jews have only 22 books that are authoritative. These includes the Five books of Moses, 13 books of the prophets, 4 books of hymns the psalms, proverbs, song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. What is the Origin of the Old Testament Canon? The Law The first five books (Pentateuch) of the Old Testament was the first portion of the Bible to attain canonical status. When and how did the Pentateuch originated? The three things that we must know about the Old Testament canon is the Torah or Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. It is not possible to state exactly the date of the Pentateuch canon completed. The Law was the first part of the Old Testament Canon for recognition. Because for the Jews they consider the Law as their priority for it plays a unique role in their lives. "The Law and the Prophets or the scriptures were called as inspired (theopneustos) and profitable (ophelimus) for believers (2 Tim. 3:16). Apostle Paul knew that everything written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope (Rom. 15:4). There are some verses in the book of Genesis that has more than one account of the same incident like in Genesis 1:27 man is made last of all created things; Genesis 2:7 man is made first. In Genesis 6:19 Noah is instructed to take into the ark "two every sort of animal," Genesis 7;2 the instruction are to take "seven pairs." These are the questions you might if you are a careful reader of the Bible but the scholars concluded that genesis has more than one writer. They said that sometimes it might be the cause of the editorial matter. Jerome said that the law books discovered in in the Temple in 621 B.C (II Kings 22:8) was not the Pentateuch that we have today but simply the book of Deuteronomy. "It is evident that by 400 B.C. the Hebrews were committed to a canon of Law, that part of the Bible known to us as the Pentateuch." The Prophets The Second sacred book of the Hebrews is the prophets. This is the thirteen prophetic books. And it was divided into "former prophets and latter prophets. The former prophets were known as the historical books like Joshua, Judges, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings although they did not survive but we have sources of it. This part of the Old Testament canon known as the prophets appeared to have been canonized about 200 B.C from that time on the former prophets and the latter Prophets were respected very much as the Law was respected except the Book of Ezekiel. Because his prophecies seems more contrived and less spontaneous unlike the other prophets. In modern days, Ezekiel's vision a wheel within a wheel foretold the machine age. Other portions of