
When Bullies Attack - The Aptitude to Bully Others

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Outline Thesis Statement Although it is often ignored, bullying is a serious matter which requires our attention. I. What is Bullying? A. Defining the term "bullying" B. The Bully 1. The origin of the word "bully"  2. The definition of a bully. 3. What builds a bully? a. Impulsive b. Hot-headed c. Dominant d. Physically strong 4. Four types of bullies a. Physical bullies b. Verbal bullies c. Covert bullies d. Cyber bullies II. Why do bullies tend to bully others? A. Bullies need to be in control or dominant. B. Bullies are rewarded for their bullying behavior. C. Bullies lack empathy. D. Bullies have family backgrounds and issues. III. Effects of bullying. A. Suicide B. Violence C. Positive development IV. Bullying is a serious matter A. Research conducted on bullies B. Bullying in the Philippines 1. RA 10627 or Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 2. Statistics on bullying Definition of Terms Deteriorate - To make inferior in quality or value. Loner - One that avoids others. Subdue - To bring under control especially by an exertion of the will. Reinforcement - The act of strengthening or encouraging something. Tangible - Capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch. Prestige - Standing or estimation in the eyes of the people; weight or credit in general opinion. Empathy - The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to and vicariously experiencing the thoughts, feelings and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. Bullying - An activity of repeated aggressive behavior intended to hurt someone physically or mentally. Bully - Someone who is habitually cruel to others. Encounter - To come upon or experience. Introduction Pushing someone around, gossiping in the halls or even a post on facebook. These are things we encounter each day, things that are common to our eyes, things that we think our normal but what we didn't know is that these things are the base for a bullying equation. Have you ever been called fat? Have you been told that you're not good enough not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough? Has someone done something to you that made you feel unwanted, embarrassed or ashamed? Has someone let you experience pain and sadness? And if yes is your answer to all of these questions, there's no doubt, you are a victim of bullying. It doesn't feel good to be called names and to be teased; it's not right to be pushed around and stepped on either. But the question is, have you done something to stop this? When will you step up and gain the guts to get the respect and right you deserve? I'm telling you to act now and just say "stop  to this. Bullying has been taken for granted for a long period of time now but still, it is never too late to try and start something to prevent it. Remember, it only takes a spark to build a fire. It's serious as you think it is and we should deal with it. What is Bullying? Before we go further with our topic, let us first define the term "bullying." For us, bullying is anything done to someone that reflects a negative effect to that particular individual. For others, there may be different understanding when it comes to defining bullying. Some may define it with a positive outlook and others, not so much. It doesn't matter how we define it. Whether our definition came from experience or some knowledge giving material, what really matters is we know it exists and it needs to be given due attention. If you consult the Webster' dictionary, it is said there that bullying is "to hurt, frighten or tyrannize over, as a bully does . We looked up other written works for more definition of bullying and we saw this magazine article entitled "Children who are bullying or being bullied , bullying was defined as "the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidates, or aggressively imposes domination over others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Justifications and rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of class, race, religion, gender, sexuality, appearance, behavior, strength, size or ability . The Bully Before we can refer something as "bullying," there should be someone who does this in order for it to happen. That someone is what we call a bully. While researching on the term "bully , we were surprised to find out its origin. The word "bully" appears to have Dutch and German roots, evolving from words for "lover" and "friend." Indeed, its earliest meaning was positive. On an online website we found out that "The term "bully," during the 1530's was originally coined as "sweetheart" and was applied to either sex. It was derived from the Dutch wo

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